Bin There S Recycling Bin
Brand: Mizetto
Designed By: Addi Design Studio
Bin There S is the elegant and mobile way to handle waste at the office. Two cylindrical containers are placed on a metal tray, gracefully held in place by a thin metal frame. The bins are available in three heights and the trolley in two sizes, Small and Large. Handles and containers both have crafted details in natural tanned leather from Tärnsjö and wooden lids.
Lead Time
12-14 weeks
322mmW | 322mmD | 665mmH
Cooper Brown
Signal White
The bin consists of 8-70% recycled metal and is powder coated. The powder coating provides both environmental and quality benefits as no solvents need to be added and the amount of waste is minimum. Lids are made of ash or oak. Castors is made from plastic. All leather is natural tanned leather from Tärnsjö, Sweden
Addi Design Studio
“We wanted to continue our strive to make waste bins beautiful. Our main inspiration has been the classic and elegant drink trolleys from the 30’s ”

Bin There S Recycling Bin
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